Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Age: 21
Occupation: None

How many acorns do you think you could you carry about your person without arousing suspicion?
Acorns... how large is an acorn?

If I had to venture a guess... well, I could carry 232 acorns on my person without arousing suspicion.

Who was the last celebrity you had an improper thought about?
Leonardo DiCaprio, because I watched Body of lies this weekend.

When was the last time you wiped the smile off of somebody’s face?
At the ethics bowl in November, there was a question about whether colleges should fund illegal immigrants? And the question was specifically based on Missouri, that’s important.
This girl on the other teams starts with this sob story about an illegal girl who has fought her way out of the gutter to get to college and how she was in a neighborhood with all kinds of drugs in New York and this and that... basically a sob story. Then it’s my turn to refute, and I say “Well me and Rose here are immigrants and her parents were even illegals, but in order to get to college we had to be above board” then I said, “I think this question was about Missouri, and I am really looking forward to how you tie all those facts from the first part of your argument in with the actual question, in the second five minutes you have.” She was about to cry, and it was the greatest feeling ever.

Have you ever been licked by a stranger?
No, the closest I’ve ever come is being sniffed.

When was the last time you said “No, I can’t, someone will see.”
I’ve never used those in succession before, but I am usually without boundaries, I mean, I can be up for anything.

What advice do you have for the disenchanted youth?
Apathy is bad kids.

Who would you rather fight, the Bee-gees in their prime, or a lone Matador?
The Bee-gees, because it would be like a free concert, and I don’t think I could take a matador in a fight, he would out fashion me or something.

Have you ever been pinned against a wall, if so, by what?
Yes, by a table, (aversive to tell person who caused).

What immortal words will you utter on your deathbed?
Never more,
Forever more

What was the last charity you shunned?
The MS Society, I deleted their e-mail today.

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