Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Age: 21
Occupation: Student

What is your favorite memory on the sea?
I was on my grandpa’s boat and we, me and my sister were singing “Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow”, you know that song where you have to make up the middle verses to rhyme.

What is your favorite foreign food?
I like Thai, specifically Yellow Curry Chicken, because it is spicy and delicious.

What is the last time you major screwed up?
(Her friend passes by jokingly “When you woke up this morning.”)
I guess when I hit somebody in my car like three years ago. I was really high on excitement because my parents had left me and my sister for the first time for like a few days. It wasn't really exciting, like is this exciting enough?
I was parked and it was a really weird lot there were, here let me show you (here she makes a diagram, exampling that the lot was a series of straight spaces with a narrow alley, then another row of parallel parking spaces) I backed out funny and all the cars next to me were parked straightly, and I kinda backed into one of the parallel parked ones.

How many monkeys typing for how long would produce the entire published works of Charles Dickens?
Five monkeys for one week, actually my only experience with Dickens comes from Wishbone, oh wait, just kidding I read A Christmas Carol, it’s kinda sad actually, because I am a novel person, and I wish that I had read more.

Who was the highest ranking military officer you have ever met, and on what occasion did you meet them?
I was on a plane traveling from Newark, New Jersey to Orlando, Florida, and the man next to me was a retired navy colonel. That was a really hectic flight because we were stranded on the runway for a few hours and in Orlando the colonel’s wife was going into labor, it was his first kid.

What is your favorite kind of tree?
Whatever kind of tree that yellow one is... (indicates outside at rain-tree)

What is the greatest denomination of foreign currency you’ve ever held, from what country, and how much was it in total?
I had like 1,000 USD in money from the Dominican Republic once, it was when I went on a trip there, though I don’t know the names of the denominations there.

When I hum ‘Ah! Vous dirai-je, Maman’, what song comes to mind?
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (proceeds to sing a verse) or I guess it could be the Alphabet Song too.

What foreign language that you currently do not know and are not taking, would you like to know?
It’s kind of a tie between Spanish and Chinese; Spanish, because it is more common and useable around here
Chinese because it is a much more interesting world language and is more applicable globally.


Age: 21
Occupation: None

How many acorns do you think you could you carry about your person without arousing suspicion?
Acorns... how large is an acorn?

If I had to venture a guess... well, I could carry 232 acorns on my person without arousing suspicion.

Who was the last celebrity you had an improper thought about?
Leonardo DiCaprio, because I watched Body of lies this weekend.

When was the last time you wiped the smile off of somebody’s face?
At the ethics bowl in November, there was a question about whether colleges should fund illegal immigrants? And the question was specifically based on Missouri, that’s important.
This girl on the other teams starts with this sob story about an illegal girl who has fought her way out of the gutter to get to college and how she was in a neighborhood with all kinds of drugs in New York and this and that... basically a sob story. Then it’s my turn to refute, and I say “Well me and Rose here are immigrants and her parents were even illegals, but in order to get to college we had to be above board” then I said, “I think this question was about Missouri, and I am really looking forward to how you tie all those facts from the first part of your argument in with the actual question, in the second five minutes you have.” She was about to cry, and it was the greatest feeling ever.

Have you ever been licked by a stranger?
No, the closest I’ve ever come is being sniffed.

When was the last time you said “No, I can’t, someone will see.”
I’ve never used those in succession before, but I am usually without boundaries, I mean, I can be up for anything.

What advice do you have for the disenchanted youth?
Apathy is bad kids.

Who would you rather fight, the Bee-gees in their prime, or a lone Matador?
The Bee-gees, because it would be like a free concert, and I don’t think I could take a matador in a fight, he would out fashion me or something.

Have you ever been pinned against a wall, if so, by what?
Yes, by a table, (aversive to tell person who caused).

What immortal words will you utter on your deathbed?
Never more,
Forever more

What was the last charity you shunned?
The MS Society, I deleted their e-mail today.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Name: Abby
Age: 19
Occupation: none

Favorite thing to eat that comes situated between two buns?
tomato, provolone, and mayonnaise

On what occasions do you lie?
ohh umm when things get awkward and around people who don't know me very well

What is your favorite preparation of potatoes?
Curried. Diffidently curried.

Favorite supervillain?
Harley Quinn because shes not crazy but she chooses to live with crazy people. In batman all the villains are crazy except for her.

If you could go on a magic carpet ride and fly above earth who would you spit or shit on as you floated overhead?
This is one of those with great power comes great responsibility things. You have to choose the right person. it would have to be someone bald. I'd have to find a really evil bald person.

Have you ever eaten a crayon?
No, I've eaten paper that had crayon on it but not a crayon itself.

Last time you said "hmm its probably fungal"?
A month ago. I spent the night at a friend's house and I was napping in her shower. It was on a sponge and I don't think they sell black sponges.

Are you convinced by your own self-criticism?

Using rhyme tell me your feelings on carpet?
When you sleep too long in one place carpet leaves indents upon your face.

Last time you sat in something sticky?
I never know till afterward.

Favorite internal organ?
The liver. I like that it grows back.

Whats in your pocket?
One of those little folding paper game things and my ID card.

How often do you cut your fingernails?
Umm once they start snagging on things.