Friday, February 27, 2009


How many sparrows do you think you could fit in your handbag?
I could probably do six as I sit here and actually think about it.

Which household appliance do you most identify with?
I can't be any kind of cleaning appliance. I'd have to say an oven because I like to eat and I can make people feel the warm and fuzzies or destroy them.

When was the last time you put all your eggs in one basket?
The last time I went shopping. I had all the eggs in one basket and nothing else. I eat a lot of eggs.

Favorite medieval torture device?
The rack because it can be interpreted as boobs. Torture by boobs.

Least favorite fairy tale?
This really sucks because I like them all. Hell, I'm taking a class on them. I don't like Snow White. She was boring and her voice was too high-pitched.

Last time you were driven out of town?
I drove myself out of town.

If you were a dog who would you chase?
The mailman. I like to be traditional.

How many penguins do you think it would take to kill a shark?
I don't know. it took four dolphins to kill a hammerhead shark that I saw personally. I was on a jetti. They beat it to death with their noses.

If you make one animal extinct what would it be?
I've got a lot of ideas for this one but possums so I won't trip over them anymore.

What was the last sight that made you feel as though your eyes had been visually molested?
Reading bad fan-fiction. Actually reading any bad literature. ahh Twilight that is it. That makes my eyes feel molested.

Do you prefer building sandcastles or snowmen?
I dig holes in sand. I don't build sandcastles.

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